Anton C requested a left justified version of my 3 Column Minima template for Blogger. He also requested a version with the main post column the same size as the original Minima template. Both of these versions can be downloaded below.This is a left justified version. The center column is wider than the original Minima template to accommodate 500 pixel images blogged from Flickr.
DOWNLOAD Minibox v1.2 Left Justified (Wide)This is a left justified version with the center column the same size (I think) as the original 2 column Minima template. So if your posts are all custom formatted to the narrow Minima version, this should let you have a 3 column Minima template without having to reformat all your existing posts.
DOWNLOAD Minibox v1.2 Left Justified (Narrow)
Saturday, August 2, 2008
Minibox - 3 Column Minima Template - Left Justified
Sunday, June 8, 2008
Minibox - 3 Column Minima Template
I noticed there were some problems when people try to upload the XML file instead of copying and pasting the code. I have fixed the problem (I think).
I almost always copy and paste the code because it gives me more control. For example, with a few tricks I can avoid losing any existing widgets on my blog. This will probably be my first tutorial and it will probably show up on since iit will apply to any blogger template.
In the meantime, I realize some people do use the "upload XML template" feature and so I've fixed the XML file so that it is compatible. (I have a new Mac and the first version had some funky formatting codes in it that wasn't just a plain text XML file.) You still have to right-click when you save or your web-browser will try to open the XML file and you will get an error message.
Here are a few template instalation tips.
DOWNLOAD - Minibox v1.2 (Right-Click!)
If you're having trouble downloading the template try right-clicking and choosing "Save As". If you're still having trouble post a comment.
Blogger Template Customization Tutorials
So I noticed that the only vote so far on the poll was for Customization Tutorials. Let's start by by posing the question - what do you want to do?
Post a comment and I will try to help you with a solution.
Thursday, May 22, 2008
3 Col Blogger Template Screen Shot
Okay, one step closer to making this template available for download. Here is the screen shot of the Free 3 Column Template for Blogger - Minibox. It also doubles as an example of how images look when posted to the blog.
DOWNLOAD - Minibox v1.0 (Right-Click!)
If you're having trouble downloading the template try right-clicking and choosing "Save As". If you're still having trouble post a comment.
This is the first release. If anyone notices any glitches please post a comment and I will try to resolve ASAP.
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
3 Column Minima-Based Blogger Template
Minibox is a free 3 column blogger template heavily based on the popular Minima template. This is an XML based Blogger template for newer Blogspot blogs. The code uses very similar structure and almost identical variable names and section identifiers so that people familiar with modifying the Minima template shouldn't have much trouble modifying the Minibox template code.
Minibox is completely compatible with Blogger's drag-and-drop layout manager.
The original 2 column version of Minima was written by Douglas Bowman of Here's a quote from his website:
The goal was to provide a fresh selection of well-designed and efficiently-coded, standards-based templates that provided solid yet flexible starting points for anyone to use as a design for their new or existing blog.
DOWNLOAD - Minibox v1.0 (Right-Click!)
If you're having trouble downloading the template try right-clicking and choosing "Save As". If you're still having trouble post a comment.
This is the first release. If anyone notices any glitches please post a comment and I will try to resolve ASAP.
Alternate colour combinations or slight variations are also likely to follow. If there are any requests, please post a comment and I will take requests into consideration.
Is there interest for a 4 column version of Minima or the Minibox clone?